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BMW 5 Series Baru Bergaya Sportif, Interior Bernuansa Premium

Seri 5 BMW baru menampilkan desain eksterior yang diperbarui secara luas dengan daya tarik sportif yang semakin kuat. Aksen desainnya eye-catching, permukaan terstruktur dengan jelas di bagian depan dan belakang, gril ginjal BMW yang baru tampak lebih lebar dan lebih tinggi, dan lampu LED baru dengan kontur lebih ramping.
BMW 530e xDrive Sedan, Phytonic blue metallic, M Sport package; dan BMW 530i Touring, Sophisto grey metallic (05/2020). BMW
BMW 530e xDrive Sedan, Phytonic blue metallic, M Sport package; dan BMW 530i Touring, Sophisto grey metallic (05/2020). BMW

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - BMW 5 Series Sedan, dan BMW 5 Series Touring menjalani premiere digital Rabu (27/5/2020) hari ini, di samping BMW Seri 6 Gran Turismo.

Seri 5 BMW baru menampilkan desain eksterior yang diperbarui secara luas dengan daya tarik sportif yang semakin kuat. Aksen desainnya eye-catching, permukaan terstruktur dengan jelas di bagian depan dan belakang, gril ginjal BMW yang baru tampak lebih lebar dan lebih tinggi, dan lampu LED baru dengan kontur lebih ramping.

Selain itu, lampu LED adaptif dengan teknologi matriks ditambahkan ke daftar pilihan, BMW Laserlight sekarang juga tersedia sebagai pilihan untuk semua varian model, serta lampu belakang tiga dimensi yang baru. Semua varian model sekarang dengan knalpot knalpot trapesium.

Dari sisi interior, BMW menyatakan kedua seri terbarunya lebih meningkatkan nuansa premium untuk interior. Selain itu, elektrifikasi sistem penggerak meningkatkan dinamika. BMW juga menyematkan inovasi terkini di bidang bantuan pengemudi, kontrol / operasi dan konektivitas.

Desain interior mendapatkan penyempurnaan detail, selain itu tersedia pilihan layar kontrol 12,3 inci (standar : layar kontrol 10,25 inci). Ada pula kontrol iklim otomatis dengan fitur-fitur tambahan dan roda kemudi kulit sport dengan tombol multifungsi.

Kontrol di konsol tengah sekarang dalam hitam mengkilap. Varian trim berlubang Sensatec baru untuk permukaan kursi, kursi nyaman dan kursi multifungsi M baru dengan kenyamanan tempat duduk yang dioptimalkan, strip trim interior baru.

BMW 5 Series Baru Bergaya Sportif, Interior Bernuansa Premium

BMW 5 Series Baru Bergaya Sportif, Interior Bernuansa Premium

Pada peluncuran BMW Seri 5 Sedan baru dan BMW Seri 5 Touring juga diselipkan BMW 5 Series M Sport Edition. Persediaannya terbatas 1.000 unit. Selain itu, termasuk paket M Sport, tersedia cat metalik Donington Grey yang sebelumnya hanya tersedia untuk model BMW M dan eksklusif, serta BMW Individual Air Performance Wheels 20 inci dalam desain dua warna.

BMW juga menambah rentang plug-in hybrid diperluas hingga lima model, yang mana teknologi BMW eDrive generasi terbaru kini juga ditawarkan untuk BMW Seri 5 Touring.

BMW 530e Touring, BMW 530e xDrive Touring, dan BMW 545e xDrive Sedan dengan mesin pembakaran enam silinder in-line tersedia mulai musim gugur 2020.

Fungsi BMW eDrive Zone, yang menjadi standar untuk semua model hybrid plug-in, secara otomatis mengalihkan mobil ke mode all-electric saat memasuki zona hijau.

BMW juga mengenalkan teknologi hybrid ringan 48V baru untuk semua mesin empat dan enam silinder. Respons akan lebih cepat dan efisien berkat 48V starter-generator. Adapun daya 8 kW / 11 hp meringankan beban kerja mesin pembakaran dan meningkatkan dayanya.

Peluncuran model baru ini diyakini menjadi bab berikutnya dalam sejarah sukses BMW Seri 5. Pertama kali diperkenalkan pada 1972), saat ini model tersebut mencatatkan penjualan seluruh dunia 600.000 unit.

Peluncuran pasar BMW Seri 5 Sedan dan Touring Seri 5 BMW baru mulai Juli 2020.

BMW 5 Series Baru Bergaya Sportif, Interior Bernuansa Premium

BMW 5 Series Baru Bergaya Sportif, Interior Bernuansa Premium

Model variants:
Plug-in hybrid models:

BMW 530e Sedan (BMW 530e xDrive Sedan):
Four-cylinder in-line petrol engine, plug-in hybrid system with synchronous electric motor, eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Combustion engine:
Capacity: 1,998 cc, output: 135 kW/184 hp at 5,000 – 6,500 rpm,
max. torque: 300 Nm (221 lb-ft) at 1,350 – 4,000 rpm.
Electric motor:
Output: 80 kW/109 hp, max. torque: 265 Nm (195 lb-ft).
Combined system output: 215 kW/292 hp, max. combined torque: 420 Nm (310 lb-ft).
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 5.9 seconds (5.9 seconds),
top speed: 235 km/h [146 mph] (235 km/h [143 mph]),
top speed (electric): 140 km/h [87 mph] (140 km/h [87 mph]).
Electric range: 62 – 67 km (56 – 58 km).
Fuel consumption, combined: 1.8 – 1.7 l/100 km [156.9 – 166.2 mpg imp] (2.1 – 2.0 l/100 km [134.5 – 141.2 mpg imp]),
electric power consumption, combined: 14.8 – 13.7 kWh/100 km
(16.4 – 15.9 kWh/100 km),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 42 – 39 g/km (49 – 46 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 530e Touring (BMW 530e xDrive Touring) (from 11/20):
Four-cylinder in-line petrol engine, plug-in hybrid system with synchronous electric motor, eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Combustion engine:
Capacity: 1,998 cc, output: 135 kW/184 hp at 5,000 – 6,500 rpm,
max. torque: 300 Nm (221 lb-ft) at 1,350 – 4,000 rpm.
Electric motor:
Output: 80 kW/109 hp, max. torque: 265 Nm (195 lb-ft).
Combined system output: 215 kW/292 hp, max. combined torque: 420 Nm (310 lb-ft).
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 6.1 seconds (6.1 seconds),
top speed: 225 km/h [140 mph] (225 km/h [140 mph]),
top speed (electric): 140 km/h [87 mph] (140 km/h [87 mph]).
Electric range: 58 – 62 km (53 – 56 km).
Fuel consumption, combined: 2.1 – 1.9 l/100 km [134.5 – 148.7 mpg imp] (2.3 – 2.1 l/100 km [122.8 – 134.5 mpg imp]),
electric power consumption, combined: 15.9 – 14.9 kWh/100 km
(16.9 – 15.9 kWh/100 km),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 47 – 43 g/km (52 – 49 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 545e xDrive Sedan (from 11/2020):
Six-cylinder in-line petrol engine, plug-in hybrid system with synchronous electric motor, eight-speed Steptronic transmission, BMW xDrive.
Combustion engine:
Capacity: 2,998 cc, output: 210 kW/286 hp at 5,000 – 6,000 rpm
max. torque: 450 Nm (332 lb-ft) at 1,500 – 3 500 rpm.
Electric motor:
Output: 80 kW/109 hp, max. torque: 265 Nm (195 lb-ft).
Combined system output: 290 kW/394 hp, max. combined torque: 600 Nm (442 lb-ft).
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 4.7 seconds,
top speed: 250 km/h [155 mph],
top speed (electric): 140 km/h [87 mph].
Electric range: 54 – 57 km.
Fuel consumption, combined: 2.4 – 2.1 l/100 km [117.7 – 134.5 mpg imp],
electric power consumption, combined: 16.3 – 15.3 kWh/100 km,
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 54 – 49 g/km,
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

Petrol models:

BMW 520i Sedan:
Four-cylinder in-line petrol engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission.
Capacity: 1,998 cc, output: 135 kW/184 hp at 5,000 – 6,500 rpm,
max. torque: 290 Nm (214 lb-ft) at 1,350 – 4 250 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 7.9 seconds,
top speed: 235 km/h [146 mph].
Fuel consumption, combined: 5.5 – 5.3 l/100 km (51.4 – 53.3 mpg imp),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 125 – 120 g/km,
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 520i Touring:
Four-cylinder in-line petrol engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission.
Capacity: 1,998 cc, output: 135 kW/184 hp at 5,000 – 6,500 rpm,
max. torque: 290 Nm (214 lb-ft) at 1,350 – 4 250 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 8.3 seconds,
top speed: 225 km/h [140 mph].
Fuel consumption, combined: 5.7 – 5.5 l/100 km (49.6 – 51.4 mpg imp),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 131 – 126 g/km,
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 530i Sedan (BMW 530i xDrive Sedan):
Four-cylinder in-line petrol engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Capacity: 1,998 cc, output: 185 kW/252 hp at 5,200 – 6,500 rpm,
max. torque: 350 Nm (258 lb-ft) at 1,450 – 4,800 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 6.4 seconds (6.3 seconds),
top speed: 250 km/h [155 mph] (250 km/h [155 mph]).
Fuel consumption, combined: 5.5 – 5.3 l/100 km [51.4 – 53.3 mpg imp]
(6.1 – 5.9 l/100 km [46.3 – 47.9 mpg imp]),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 126 – 121 g/km (140 – 135 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 530i Touring (BMW 530i xDrive Touring):
Four-cylinder in-line petrol engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Capacity: 1,998 cc, output: 185 kW/252 hp at 5,200 – 6,500 rpm,
max. torque: 350 Nm (258 lb-ft) at 1,450 – 4,800 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 6.7 seconds (6.6 seconds),
top speed: 250 km/h [155 mph] (250 km/h [155 mph]).
Fuel consumption, combined: 5.8 – 5.6 l/100 km [48.7 – 50.4 mpg imp]
(6.4 – 6.2 l/100 km [44.1 – 45.6 mpg imp]),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 133 – 127 g/km (147 – 142 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 540i Sedan (BMW 540i xDrive Sedan):
Six-cylinder in-line petrol engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Capacity: 2,998 cc, output: 245 kW/333 hp at 5,500 – 6,250 rpm,
max. torque: 450 Nm (332 lb-ft) at 1,600 – 4,800 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 5.2 seconds (4.9 seconds),
top speed: 250 km/h [155 mph] (250 km/h [155 mph]).
Fuel consumption, combined: 6.5 – 6.3 l/100 km [43.5 – 44.8 mpg imp]
(6.8 – 6.6 l/100 km [41.5 – 42.8 mpg imp]).
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 149 – 144 g/km (156 – 152 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 540i xDrive Touring:
Six-cylinder in-line petrol engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, BMW xDrive.
Capacity: 2,998 cc, output: 245 kW/333 hp at 5,500 – 6,250 rpm,
max. torque: 450 Nm (332 lb-ft) at 1,600 – 4,800 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 5.2 seconds,
top speed: 250 km/h (155 mph).
Fuel consumption, combined: 7.1 – 7.0 l/100 km (39.8 – 40.4 mpg imp),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 164 – 159 g/km,
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW M550i xDrive Sedan:
V8 petrol engine, eight-speed Steptronic transmission, BMW xDrive.
Capacity: 4,395 cc, output: 390 kW/530 hp at 5,500 – 6,000 rpm,
max. torque: 750 Nm (553 lb-ft) at 1 800 – 4 600 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 3.8 seconds,
top speed: 250 km/h (155 mph).
Fuel consumption, combined: 10.0 – 9.7 l/100 km (28.3 – 29.1 mpg imp),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 229 – 221 g/km,
exhaust standard: Euro 6d-TEMP.

Diesel models:

BMW 520d Sedan (BMW 520d xDrive Sedan):
Four-cylinder in-line diesel engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Capacity: 1,995 cc, output: 140 kW/190 hp at 4,000 rpm,
max. torque: 400 Nm (295 lb-ft) at 1,750 – 2,500 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 7.2 seconds (7.2 seconds),
top speed: 235 km/h [146 mph] (232 km/h [144 mph]).
Fuel consumption, combined: 4.3 – 4.1 l/100 km [65.7 – 68.9 mpg imp]
(4.5 – 4.3 l/100 km [62.8 – 65.7 mpg imp]),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 112 – 108 g/km (118 – 114 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 520d Touring (BMW 520d xDrive Touring):
Four-cylinder in-line diesel engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Capacity: 1,995 cc, output: 140 kW/190 hp at 4,000 rpm,
max. torque: 400 Nm (295 lb-ft) at 1,750 – 2,500 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 7.6 seconds (7.6 seconds),
top speed: 225 km/h [140 mph] (222 km/h [138 mph]).
Fuel consumption, combined: 4.5 – 4.3 l/100 km [62.8 – 65.7 mpg imp]
(4.7 – 4.6 l/100 km [60.1 – 61.4 mpg imp]),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 119 – 113 g/km (124 – 120 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 530d Sedan (BMW 530d xDrive Sedan):
Six-cylinder in-line diesel engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Capacity: 2,993 cc, output: 210 kW/286 hp at 4,000 rpm,
max. torque: 650 Nm (479 lb-ft) at 1,500 – 2,500 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 5.6 seconds (5.4 seconds),
top speed: 250 km/h [155 mph] (250 km/h [155 mph]).
Fuel consumption, combined: 4.6 – 4.5 l/100 km [61.4 – 62.8 mpg imp]
(5.0 – 4.8 l/100 km [56.5 – 58.9 mpg imp]),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 122 – 118 g/km (131 – 125 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 530d Touring (BMW 530d xDrive Touring):
Six-cylinder in-line diesel engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, (BMW xDrive).
Capacity: 2,993 cc, output: 210 kW/286 hp at 4,000 rpm,
max. torque: 650 Nm (479 lb-ft) at 1,500 – 2,500 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 5.7 seconds (5.6 seconds),
top speed: 250 km/h [155 mph] (250 km/h [155 mph]).
Fuel consumption, combined: 4.9 – 4.7 l/100 km [57.7 – 60.1 mpg imp]
(5.2 – 5.1 l/100 km [54.3 – 55.4 mpg imp]),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 128 – 123 g/km (137 – 133 g/km),
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 540d xDrive Sedan:
Six-cylinder in-line diesel engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, BMW xDrive.
Capacity: 2,993 cc, output: 250 kW/340 hp at 4,400 rpm,
max. torque: 700 Nm (516 lb-ft) at 1,750 – 2,250 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 4.6 seconds,
top speed: 250 km/h (155 mph).
Fuel consumption, combined: 5.1 – 5.0 l/100 km (55.4 – 56.5 mpg imp),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 135 – 131 g/km,
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

BMW 540d xDrive Touring:
Six-cylinder in-line diesel engine, mild hybrid technology,
eight-speed Steptronic transmission, BMW xDrive.
Capacity: 2,993 cc, output: 250 kW/340 hp at 4,400 rpm,
max. torque: 700 Nm (516 lb-ft) at 1,750 – 2,250 rpm.
Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h (62 mph)]: 4.8 seconds,
top speed: 250 km/h (155 mph).
Fuel consumption, combined: 5.4 – 5.3 l/100 km (52.3 – 53.3 mpg imp),
CO2 emissions from fuel, combined: 142 – 138 g/km,
exhaust standard: Euro 6d.

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Editor : Fatkhul Maskur


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